Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Potty Training

Yes, we've decided that diapers are no longer the amazing things they once were. They are disenchanting. Potties are in, diapers are out. Sort of. We have a few friends who have gotten their little girls to potty train before they were two, so we decided to give it a whirl. Please understand, this is not because "I'm sick of changing diapers," "I don't want two in diapers anymore," or anything of the like. I simply see no reason to continue on a very expensive path if the girls are ready and capable of using the bathroom properly. Besides, diapers are TONS easier than the month of November turned out for us!

We sat them down on their potties (they know the words, and can sign the word potty) every time Eddie or I went, and pretty soon, they were excited about them. So we tried the next step. Naked bums on the potty. Just like EVERY SINGLE OTHER MAMA out there who has done potty training, I wanted to give up. At first, I figured Abigail wasn't going to participate. She simply peed all over the floor, and didn't even cry about it! But, about a week into it, roles reversed, and Abigail was doing excellent, while Jacquelyn peed all over. We tried stickers as rewards, but the girls are scared of them, so I baked tiny cookies they could have when they went. This has served a dual-purpose, since the girls are still so small, the cookies are giving them good fats and calories. I've been using whole-wheat flour, and so far, even the sugar cookies have turned out just fine! It's been SUCH a big help in training them! Sometimes they don't get one if we or they forget, but they don't seem to mind, and usually if they're successful, a cookie is waiting for them. One thing to note, for Mamas of twins: this is heartbreaking when one baby pees and the other does not. But, I truly think that's what helped get BOTH girls on board. Who wants to watch Sissy eat a cookie, when all they'd have to do is pee to get one too? We've had a couple meltdowns because baby A or baby B didn't get to have one, but I'd say it's pretty even, and very rare they don't both get one now.

After the first week I reevaluated, and decided Jacquelyn wasn't going to get it; and afterall, they're not even two yet, so we just took it a bit slower. Approaching week 2, both babies were reliably going to the bathroom on their own! Dry diapers on outings, and very little after naps. Don't get me wrong-there are accidents. Yesterday, Jacquelyn refused to pee for over 15 minutes of "tries", then when I'd given up, she finally peed. ALL over the pillow and floor. That did not make for a happy Mama, or baby, since she got scolded about how "peepee goes in the potty, not on the floor." But, ultimately, today was better, and overall they really are being very successful little potty-goers.

This is not a fix-it for every situation. Though they're dry for the most part, Jacquelyn does not like being held up on an adult sized toilet, so we still don't go anywhere without diapers on. But when they're dry when we get home, it gives me great hope we're on the way to being a no-diaper household. We're down to 4 diapers a day (2 for each baby), one when they go down at nap, and one when they go down for the night. Considering some children aren't ready to go diaperless while sleeping until they're 3, 4, or even later, I consider this a GIGANTIC win for the Smiddy household! The girls think it's fun and exciting, and enjoy the clapping and praise (and cookie) when they're successful. We enjoy the independence they have, and that they're learning so quickly.

SO: Congratulations, Smiddy girls: Abigail, and Jacquelyn. You are amazing babies, and we couldn't have such fun without you!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

21 Months!

The girls are over 21 months now. They've been learning, playing, and gaining tempers more than ever before! Abigail threw a temper tantrum that lasted for over an hour last night. I'm sure it was because Jacquelyn didn't actually let her sleep during naptime, but WOW. I'm not looking forward to that being doubled anytime in the near future!!
The girls are doing great at holding our hands, and walking around. They love to pick out trees, cats, and other objects on walks, and we can already tell that "pup-pup" is going to be Jacquelyn's favorite word for awhile. It means puppy, but she calls almost anything that moves "pup-pup!" This includes cows, goats, and even a jungle animal or two. They're getting terrific at pointing out objects in their 100 words books, and really enjoy reading again. That's so nice, because for awhile, neither of them would sit and read, and our bedtime routine had to change, since I could no longer sit and rock with them while reading.
They're growing!! We're almost out of 12 month clothes, and both girls have graduated to their "big-girl" carseats. We are extended rear-facing, and will do so until they outgrow that seating arrangement, but considering neither girl was 20 lbs at the last Dr. appointment, we've got a long way to go. I'm glad though, because they're growing steadily, and they seem extraordinarily healthy.
They are doing great on the "potty," but we haven't figured out how to train them completely yet. We're just not home consistently, for enough days in a row to always let them run free, and with two babies, can you imagine the amount of pee-puddles I'd have to clean up alone?! We're looking into helpful and fast methods now, but honestly, though expensive, there's a certain convenience to diapers right now. I want them trained, but it sure is nice having the knowledge that unless I'm awfully irresponsible (or they've slept the entire night), we won't be having any accidents while we're out and about. I'm sure every parent goes through that dilemma at some point! I really can't wait til they're potty-trained, but I need Eddie here to help, so it might have to wait until we have a long weekend at home. At least we rarely travel during the winter months, so we should be able to accomplish this soon!
They've had quite a few playdates with buddies, met a few new babies in the last couple months, and gained SO much knowledge! They're still signing up a storm, and learn new words so quickly. Abigail calls all sorts of things "pretty" now, stemming from the gel fall sticky decorations I put on the windows a few weeks ago. Now I just need to teach them "smart" too! We really can't believe the girls are almost 2, and as we move into cold weather, it's even more apparent that the girls are really ready to move out of "baby" stages and solidly into "toddler" stages. Mama's not sure she's ready for that distinction yet!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My twins at 18 months

Well, I guess maybe I should try to keep this up a little bit. ;-) Things are slow enough and predictable enough that I suppose I should try!
Abigail and Jacquelyn are just over 18 months now, and they're FANTASTIC. Still small, but they've hit each and every milestone, so hopefully growing will start to come too. Both girls sign a ton, speak some, and in general run around and are into absolutely everything. They can throw things (this is good and bad!), kick a ball, get off the couch, spin in circles without falling over, and they are extremely gentle with other babies and toddlers. Neither baby enjoys us feeding them anymore, so we're almost exclusively finger food graduated. We still make almost all of it (Kraft mac n cheese is an exception), we just don't puree everything. If it IS pureed, we make sure to add enough grains that it'll stick to their spoon. We've discovered quinoa, so we make sure the girls get that quite a bit, since it's a fantastic source of protein.
Abigail has only two teeth, but eats everything Jacquelyn does, so it doesn't seem to be phasing her at all! She refuses to eat the skins of anything, however, and we find blueberry, cherry, and nectarine skins all over if we haven't peeled them first. She is exceptionally giving, and will share absolutely everything she has, until she has no more for herself! She's starting to be a bit shy around new people, but still has such an easy time warming up to them that it's hardly a change at all.
Jacquelyn has 11 teeth, and eats everything! She doesn't share as much as her sister, but she's learning how to kiss properly (no more "mwa" sound), and she's starting to more freely give out those kisses. She's still very much a "mama's girl" and will always come to me when she meets new people. Jacquelyn wouldn't hold our hands when walking at first, but seems to realize that there are times when it's a good idea (middle of the street, for instance).
Both girls love to walk around, and they have really started to enjoy the stroller, too. Eddie and I've started running a bit, and of course, we can't just leave the girls alone, so they get to go too. They don't generally fall asleep while we're out, and love to call at me if I get ahead of them. I LOVE hearing "Mmooommma" while I'm out!
They were absolutely awesome at STP and Warrior Dash, and I can't believe they're so calm when they're stuck in the stroller for so long! They still are easily spooked by dogs, but as long as the dogs can't get close to them (definitely not able to touch them), then they think they're the coolest things ever. Jacquelyn gets courageous, and will pat a dog after a while, but if that dog looks at her, the resulting scream is what I'd imagine hearing if she got her arm cut off or something. NOT a pleasant sound for anyone to hear!
They are the best babies ever, and I still maintain they are easier than any singleton I've met yet! I really don't want them to grow up, and it just kills me to see commercials like the one where the blond preschooler is in the driver's seat, and her daddy's sending her out on her first solo drive (don't worry-she's 16 in the scene where she actually gets the keys, etc.). I can't imagine the girls as they grow up! So, for now, I just keep them super close, and give them lots of love. Which...we've actually taught the girls how to sign, so they can give each other and us "love."
Until I remember about the blog and decide to post again....
The Smiddy's

Monday, February 28, 2011

February Free Cards

Daisy Wishes Mother's Day 5x7 folded card
For hundreds of Mother's Day designs, click here.
View the entire collection of cards.