Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Beginning

I can't say I think this is the best idea-I generally fail at all things that require routine time and maintenance-but people seem to want to know what's going on with our expanding family.
Yep-expanding. Eddie and I are going to be parents of twins sometime in January! Those of you that, twins do not run in the family. Should be interesting when we can find out boys/girls/boy&girl since with no twins in the family to pass down we have no idea what we're in for! We have some in the family that want to be surprised though, so when we find out, and anytime I talk about gender specific things, I'll make a special heading-like a "spoiler alert" so they don't have to worry about finding out. That means I'll need your help in keeping gender specific comments to THOSE posts so it doesn't accidentally leak!

Originally I was taking a tennis class, that got increasingly tougher as it went on and as we got more pregnant...which translated into hard to eat enough to have energy, and really hard to go to class after teaching all day. The class ended when we were about 7 weeks along, and I miss it, but definitely am glad I don't have that commitment right now!

So far, the babies've been exceptionally tortuous, with me spending an overwhelming chunk of the last 3 weeks (since I FINALLY finished at SVSD June 26) extremely sick. For someone who's never sick, and generally likes to eat, that was quite the eye-opener. Eddie's been absolutely stellar, going to the store, getting dinner, cleaning, and getting me things that really work. For awhile, Coke Slurpees were a complete lifesaver. And yes, I'm well aware of the caffeine scare the world tries to put on pregnant women. The babies have decided they don't mind a little, and since the allowable amount is something between 4-6 cokes a day, I think a slurpee once in awhile is probabaly not going to cause too much harm.

Luckily, they seem to have settled down a little and my body seems to think might actually be okay to be pregnant now. Morning (or all day) sickness seems to be easing to the point I can leave the house and actually accomplish shopping, meeting with friends, or eating lunch with Eddie without worrying too much about what could happen.

I'll do my best to update this as we go along. Technically, our due date is somewhere around January 24th, but with twins, they tend to come on average 3 weeks early. We're just hoping for healthy and developed so they can come home. I really want them to come home with us instead of days or weeks later!